The Children's Oral Health Institute The Maryland Children's Oral H

Lessons in a Lunch Box®

Lessons in a Lunch Box®

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The Children’s Oral Health Institute

Tel: 866.508.7400
Fax: 410.356.8574

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I am a fan of Lessons in a Lunch Box. Celebrating 16 Sweet Years! Registration is officially open October 16, 2023

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Participate in our Win Big Raffle!

Welcome to the fundraising raffle to help support the 2024 Sweet 16 cycle of the Lessons in a Lunch Box: Healthy Teeth Essentials & Facts About Snacks® program. Prizes include a Henry Schein Hygiene Bundle, an Air Techniques ScanX Swift Digital Radiography System, and much more!

Go to to learn more and win big!

Enter the raffle to win one of these great prizes!

Dr. Booker addresses an elementary school class.

Dr. Winifred J. Booker, CEO & Director of Development for COHI, tells children about the generous sponsors.

Prevention that Empowers!

The Children’s Oral Health Institute (COHI) is a 501(c)3 organization created to combat dental neglect and oral abuse among children. Our goal is to improve the attitudes and behavior of children and families on a variety of oral health issues through early health promotion and disease prevention education.

Our Purpose Is To…

  • Improve preventive dental education outreach and public awareness
  • Conduct research projects and clinical studies in pediatric dentistry
  • Provide various, independent studies regarding dental treatment for children
  • Serve as a national children’s oral health information center
  • Encourage, support and evaluate innovative ideas, products and programs in oral health services delivery to children. Learn More about COHI »


New COHI Pilot Programs

Read the New Press Releases »

Promising News!


Rules to Follow for a Healthy Mouth and TeethRules to Follow for a Healthy Mouth and Teeth

Consider these rules for a healthy mouth and teeth
By: Dr. Winifred J. Booker
June 2024

Download the Healthy Mouth and Teeth Rules (pdf)»


“Back-to-School and Back-to-Daycare with Healthy Smiles for All”

July 13, 2022

Contributors: Amr M. Moursi, DDS, PhD | Bianca Dearing, DDS, MPhil, PhD |
Winifred J. Booker, DDS, FAAPD

Download the "Back-to-School" Article (pdf) »



PregNancy™ Together — Brochures and More!

Download the PregNancy Brochure »

The Children's Oral Health Institute is pleased to offer to families everywhere our newly developed PregNancy™ Together health education brochure. Through the dedicated commitment of the contributing health experts and the generous sponsorship of Crest Oral B both the comprehensive online brochure and the synopsized print version brochure are made available for your reading and learning pleasure. We hope you enjoy this essential content delivered through this exclusively designed product to help pregnant parents appreciate the impact their own health can have on the growth and development of their unborn baby. The topics discussed can have a profound effect on the developing teeth of a fetus. We hope you will be enticed to learn more. Be sure to ask your dentist and physician(s) questions about the interprofessional information shared in this PregNancy™ Together brochure, including:

PregNancy Together: Teeth to Toes™

  1. PregNancy, Healthy Eating & Baby’s Developing Teeth
  2. YourPregNancy & Dental Health Maintenance
  3. PregNancy, Dental Health, Diabetes, & Pre-eclampsia
  4. PregNancy, Oral Health & Human Papilloma Virus
  5. PregNancy & Periodontal Health
  6. PregNancy & Postpartum Depression
  7. Medications, Breastfeeding &PregNancy
  8. PregNancy & Foot and Ankle Health
  9. PregNancy, Dental Health and Male Fertility
  10. Post PregNancy & Your Infants New Teeth
  11. Oral Body Art &PregNancy

PregNancy is hopeful many more women will be encouraged to pursue this invaluable “teeth to toes” health care information during the journey to motherhood.

Download the PregNancy Brochure »


Exploring Opportunity:
Dental Hospitalist™ — Brochures and More! (Click to download) »

Certified Oral Health Education

OHE Certified Press Release »

9219 Oral Health Education-signed cover letter »

9219 Oral Health Summary Report »

OHE Fiscal & Policy Note »

Bill Signing Group Photo »


Welcome Educators!Welcome to The Children’s Oral Health Institute (COHI) K–12 Educators’ Repository.

Through this collaboration between The Children’s Oral Health Institute and, teachers can retrieve oral health education lessons, materials, programs and videos for primary and secondary education.

Continuing Education Credit Now Available

Oral health professionals can now earn continuing education credit for taking the online course entitled, Improving Oral Health Literacy: Teaching Primary School Students through the Lessons in a Lunch Box Program. Visit and type in CE 456.

Thank you for your continued support!Creating Access to Oral Health Care

DTA (Dental Trade Alliance)
Foundation Forum — April 15, 2013

Code Red: Click to view Code Red as an online bookCode Red: The Oral Health Crisis In Your Classroom©

Empowering the Teacher to Teach Oral Health Education: A Curriculum Resource Reference

The Children’s Oral Health Institute has coordinated this oral health literacy movement to sensitize teachers to the impact that poor dental health can have on classroom performance. Our nonprofit organization will work together with dentists, dental students, physicians, school nurses, corporate supporters, legislative leaders, government, parents and educators to help advance this undertaking. This handbook contains many valuable curriculum resources that can help to elevate the wellbeing of entire families. The commitment of teachers to incorporate oral health education into their lesson plans is of fundamental importance to the concerted efforts to reduce and eventually end the oral health crisis in classrooms and throughout society.

Click the apple tree to read comments supporting Code RedCode Red: The Oral Health Crisis In Your Classroom© aims to achieve the following objectives by empowering primary and secondary school educators to:

apple Appreciate the essential need to establish oral health education as part of the elementary, middle and high school curriculum.
apple Integrate oral health lessons with teaching mathematics, reading, music, science, history and comprehensive health education.
apple Access materials and provide literature about proper dental hygiene and oral disease prevention.
apple Have an increased awareness of the devastating effects that tooth decay has on a student’s ability to learn.
apple Identify physical, emotional and behavioral signs and symptoms of dental disease when a child is in the classroom.

Code Red BagClick here to print “Code Red Registration Form” »
Click here to view “Code Red” as an online book »
Click here to download a pdf of “Code Red” »

After completing the Code Red online workshop and implementing the resource reference booklet into your classroom, please take the Teacher Evaluation Survey and email it to



Project Clean ToothbrushA Clean Toothbrush May Help Protect You From The Flu©

“Project Clean Toothbrush: Important Tips To Help Prevent The Spread of Flu Germs”  

The profession of dental medicine is uniquely positioned to help mitigate the impact of the H1N1 Swine Flu. Tiny droplets of saliva and mucus transport the virus through the air from the mouth. In an effort to help prevent the spread of these germs that contribute to the onset of illnesses, The Children’s Oral Health Institute launched an offensive against the common cold, seasonal viruses and now the H1N1 Swine Flu. Collaboration between the nonprofit organization and the doctors of dental medicine at Valley Dental Pediatrics produced an infection control initiative,Project Clean Toothbrush: Important Tips to Help Prevent the Spread of Flu Germs. The Maryland Dental Society and the Maryland State Dental Association will work closely together to help advance the project throughout the state. The initiative is designed as a printable poster, complete with illustrations that offer ways to clean, decontaminate, disinfect and sanitize your toothbrush.

Guess Who’s in the News?

The Academy of General Dentistry Foundation (AGDF) and The Children’s Oral Health Institute (COHI) have solidified plans to work together to expand the Lessons In A Lunch Box: Healthy Teeth Essentials & Facts About Snacks program throughout the United States. Read More »


Local Dentists, Dental Students and The Links, Inc. pose in front of the close to
2000 lunch boxes just packaged on Saturday, January 9th, 2010.

The “carrot case” team of students from the BCDS working in a synchronized assembly line.

Waverly Elementary School, Baltimore, MD.

Group photo with future dentists from University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery and Drs. Booker, Dozier, and Grant at Waverly Elementary School.
Baltimore, MD. February 27, 2008. 432 lunch boxes were distributed.

Read our Press Releases »